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Personalized Employee Slack Analytics

By reading this article you will learn what the personalized insights in Flowtrace app mean, and how you can improve your way of working.

Written by Petri Lehtonen
Updated over 3 years ago

The personalized employee insights are available to you through Flowtrace App directly in Slack. These insights are not available to anyone else in your company and remain private to you (unless you decide to show or share them as a screenshot πŸ˜‰).

Personalized insights are broken into following categories:

Let's go through the sections one at a time.

Breakdown of activities

This view gives you a breakdown of your working days in the past week, compared to past month. With these insights, we hope you can have a complete picture of how you spend you days, and in case of recent changes in your work, what impact it has on the activities you do. We like to draw your attention specifically to focus-time, and out-of-hours collaboration. You can find detailed description of each category from end of this article.

Focus-time, sometimes known as deep work

You, me, and everyone else working on knowledge intensive roles require time to focus on what matters the most. This time needs to be uninterrupted so we can produce the best possible work and create the unique outcomes we are hired to do. Flowtrace calculates uninterrupted periods of your day and averages the amount over a week to give you the amount of focus time you have had.

Out-of-Hours Collaboration

This is simply put it the time you work outside of "general" office hours. Specifically we refer to any collaborative activity taking place between 18:00 and 08:00 the next morning, based on your given timezone. Long stretches of long days without a possibility to switch off is an invitation for burn out. Don't let yourself be available all the time.
​Note: The value might differ significantly if you travel or work across the timezones and should be assessed case by case basis.

What amount of activity then is good, and what is bad, and what can I do?

You can find below Flowtrace client averages for low, or high, for a given activity:





< 1h 30m

> 2h 30m


< 1h 00m

> 2h 30m

Chat & Email

< 1h 00m

> 2h 00m


< 15m

> 30m

You can read more from our help articles of how to gain more focus-time and how to improve collaboration.

Activity type trends in the past 3 months

This chart shows how different activities changes over time. You will be rewarded if you see constant uptick of focus time over the course of months, or you see what kind of impact projects, role changes, or you vacation had on the way you work.

Here's an example of a manager who were on holidays from 2nd of August to 15th of August. We see clearly they didn't stop to check on with their colleagues and team members during this time. The manager in question is working on a project with deadling looming by end of the September.

Figure: deep work, collaboration, and meeting time trends

Deep work, collaboration, and meeting time analytics as a 3 month trends

Topic statistics for the past 3 months

Have you ever wondered what you have actually worked on in the past months and barely remembering more than a few high level projects? We have and its always a surprise to see the topics we have actually collaborated with our colleagues and in which tone we shared our thoughts with.

With Flowtarce sentiment analtyics, combined with topic extraction you have a new way of seeing how you might come across in your company's public conversations. On the following chart you can identify which topics you really enjoy sharing about (AWS), and what topics are a drag (Google).

Based on your personalised insights, you can choose to dial down some of the negative sentiment on a topic, especially if they are your major client, or strategically important goal for your company? Whilst we love the extent of topics and knowledge we can surface, we know there are company and industry specific lexicon we need to train our AI models to become better with.

Note: Especially our international clients can experience limited entity extraction due to our current early stage of machine translation model training.

Collaboration Slack analytics trends of the past 3 months

We give you pure volume based insights and sentiment of your public chatter with this section. Again, this is another way of looking how you might be perceived, or it is just a reflection of the work you do in your role.

Based on Flowtrace experience, teams who solve difficult issues and project tends to come across as a more negative due to nature of the work focusing on the problem, root cause, and solution. On the other hand side, overly positive days, or weeks might indicate things are great, or just plainly the difficult things are never aired or discussed in public forum. You choose how you want to intpret the facts within your context.

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